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E shtunë, 27 Korrik 2024
  • Superliga
  • Kategoria 1
  • Kosova

Kategoria Superiore 2017-18

Player Information - Bruno Toledo

Personal data

Picture of Bruno Toledo
Nationality:Uruguay, Eastern Republic of Uruguay, Eastern Republic of
Name:Bruno Toledo
Birthday (Age):25. Gusht 1994 (29)
Player Position:Mbrojtes

Games history

GamesStartrosterinoutGolKarton i kuqKarton i verdheKarton i verdhe-kuqAutogolPenalltiDemtimPenallti e humbur
Saturday, 23/09/2017LuftetarivsVllaznia100--------
Games total100--------

Personal statistics

CompetitionTeamPlayedStartrosterinoutGolKarton i kuqKarton i verdheKarton i verdhe-kuqAutogolPenalltiDemtimPenallti e humbur
Kategoria Superiore 2019-20Luftetari------------
Kategoria Superiore 2018-19Luftetari------------
Kategoria Superiore 2017-18Luftetari11----------
Career Total11----------

Playing career

CompetitionSeasonTeamFunction / Position
Kategoria Superiore 2019-202019-20LuftetariMbrojtes
Kategoria Superiore 2018-192018-19LuftetariMbrojtes
Kategoria Superiore 2017-182017-18LuftetariMbrojtes